Piquant and sensational magazines



Łukasz Biskupski – The Abyss at Łódź: in the context of ‘agitation films’


Jana Dorčáková – The Development of Czech Tabloids before First World War


Blanka Hemelíková – K počátkům české detektivní literatury: Z pamětí anglické detektivky Ady Paulsonovy (Mezi replikou a inovací)


Filip Herza – Freakshow and the Imaginations of the Collective Body of Nation


Michal Jareš –  „A Israel Kafka?“ (Nad Pražskou čarodějkou Francise Mariona Crawforda)


Daniela Javorics – Vienna’s World Fair 1873 as a spectacle for the masses?


Tomáš Kavka – Poštovní knížky – svérázný literární žánr pro drobné zaměstnance a jejich zákazníky


Robert Kulmiński – Zdroje masové kultury na českém území – úvod do studia


Marko Lovrić – The Satirical Magazine “Koprive” and the Political, Social and Cultural Climate in the Early 20th Century Croatia


Jakub Machek – The Early Popular Press and Its Common Readers in Fin-De-Siècle Prague

New Metropolitans and their Popular Press in Fin de siècle Prague

Od Brousku ke Kurýru – česká cesta od lidového tisku k bulvárním deníkům na pozadí vývoje středoevropského tisku

Počátky populární kultury v českých zemích na přelomu 19. a 20. století


Lenka Procházková – Dívčí romány na konci dlouhého devatenáctého století a genderové stereotypy v nich


Nikolina Šimetin Šegvić, Filip Šimetin Šegvić – Mass Manifestations and Aspects of Urban Popular Culture in Zagreb during the Second Half of the 19th Century


Rastislav Tóth – Kultúrny dôsledok priemyslovej revolúcie ako príprava k vojne


Bogdan-Vlad Vătavu – “The world of the hajduks”. Bandit subcultures in 19th century Romania and their balladry

Fashion magazines


Tygodnik Mód 1871

Bluszcz 1881

Dobra Gospodyni 1902

Cracowian press

Cracowian press (1902-1913)

Illustriertes Prager Extrablatt


Illustriertes Prager Extrablatt (1879-1882)

Programme of the Workshop “Popular Culture in East-Central Europe before WWI”

Prague, 24 October, Sporck Palace (Hybernská 3), room 303

                                                                                                                      pdf version

8:45, Panel I (in Czech and Slovak)
Robert KULMIŃSKI (Varšavská univerzita): Zdroje masové kultury na českém území – úvod do studia

Rastislav TÓTH  (Trnavská univerzita): Kultúrny dôsledok priemyslovej revolúcie ako príprava k vojne

Lenka PROCHÁZKOVÁ (Historický ústav AV ČR): Genderové konstrukty v dívčích románech konce dlouhého 19. století

Markéta HOLANOVÁ (Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR): Sešitové detektivky v 1. polovině 20. století v Německu a v Čechách – srovnání edičních řad

Michal JAREŠ (Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR): „A Israel Kafka?“ (Nad Pražskou čarodějkou Francise Mariona Crawforda)

10:30, Coffee Break


10:45, Keynote address: Nathaniel D. WOOD (University of Kansas): The Interurban Matrix: The Dissemination of Local and Transnational Popular Culture in the Boulevard Press.

11:30, Coffee Break


12:00 Panel II

Klaus HOEDL (University of Graz): Jewish music halls in Vienna around 1900

Viktor VELEK (University of Ostrava): Tamburitza music – a connecting factor of Slavic minorities in Vienna in the “long 19th century”

Bogdan-Vlad VĂTAVU (Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca): An indicator of a delinquent subculture? 19th century Romanian popular culture on banditry[*]

13:30, Lunch


15:00 Panel III
Jana DORČÁKOVÁ (Charles University in Prague): The development of sensational press in Czech lands at the turn of the 20th century

Marko LOVRIĆ (University of Zagreb): The Satirical Magazine “Koprive” and the Political, Social and Cultural Climate in the Early 20th Century Croatia

Łukasz BISKUPSKI (University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw): Double birth of cinema in Russian Poland – the case of Łódź

16:10, Coffee Break


16:30 Panel IV

Filip Šimetin ŠEGVIĆ, Nikolina Šimetin ŠEGVIĆ (University of Zagreb): Mass Manifestations and Aspects of Urban Popular Culture in Zagreb during the Second Half of the 19th Century

Karel ŠIMA (Centre for the study of popular culture, Prague): Four Antinomies of Mushrooming. On the Origin of Modern Mushrooming in Czech Lands

Filip HERZA (Charles University in Prague): Freakshow and the Imaginations of the Collective Body of Nation

17:50, Coffee Break


18:10 Panel V
Juozapas PAŠKAUSKAS (Vilnius university): Private photo-collections and beginnings of mass culture in 19th century Lithuania

Matteo BERTELÉ (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice): The Russian illustrated postcard as an object of imperial popular culture

19:00, Conference wrap-up


Informal post-conference get-together (tba)


The workshop is supported by the project The Emergence of Popular Culture in the Czech Lands (GP13-39799P) of the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR).

[*] This research was financed by “MINERVA – Cooperare pentru cariera de elită în cercetarea doctorală şi post-doctorală”, contract code: POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137832, a project co-finaced by the Social European Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013



Call for papers

Workshop: Popular Culture in East-Central Europe before WWI

24.10.2014, Prague

Centre for the Study of Popular Culture and Department of Czech and Comparative Literature, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague

Abstract Deadline: 10.9.2014

The aim of the workshop is to discuss the development of early mass-mediated popular culture in the East-Central European region and its significance for revealing fundamental social and political changes that took place at the turn of the 20th century. Continue reading